3D Hydrography (3DHP) Interest Group

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National Hydrography Dataset Stewards Meet-Up at the Esri User Conference

  • 1.  National Hydrography Dataset Stewards Meet-Up at the Esri User Conference

    Posted 06-27-2022 16:00

    The California and Washington state stewards of the National Hydrography Dataset invite other state NHD stewardship partners to join them at the Esri User Conference for an hour of sharing tips, successes, lessons learned, bright ideas, and encouragement.


    Date: 07/14/2022

    Time: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

    Location: San Diego Convention Center – Room 27A



    • Introductions around the room
    • Remarks from the USGS Hydrography Representatives
    •  Open Discussion
      • What are NHD state stewards currently focused on? 
      • What will the focus of work be moving forward?
      • How will the role of state stewards be different under 3DHP?
      • How do we keep NHD relevant in our States?
    • Next steps
      • Is it helpful for Stewards to continue meeting and sharing like this throughout the year?
      • If so, ideas for topics should we discuss?
    • Remarks from Esri (conference hosts)  – Dean Djokic and Team)
    • Meet up at the Esri party?

    If you plan to attend please RSVP  and fill out this form


    Thank you!

    Jane & Joshua

    Jane Schafer-Kramer, Geographic Data Specialist
    916-902-7152 office phone and voicemail
    Pronouns: she, her, hers

    Joshua Greenberg, PhD. GISP | WA NHD Steward (He/Him)
    WA State Dept of Ecology, IT Services GIS
    300 Desmond Drive SE, Lacey, WA 98503
    Cell: 360-742-6992

    Joshua Greenberg
    WA State NHD Steward
    WA Department of Ecology
    Lacey WA

  • 2.  RE: National Hydrography Dataset Stewards Meet-Up at the Esri User Conference

    Posted 06-27-2022 16:02
    Thank you for keeping the dialogue going!

    Lynda Wayne, GISP, ASLA
    NSGIC Data for the Nation Project Manager
    828.254.4134 (O)