3D Hydrography (3DHP) Interest Group

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  • 1.  NSGIC's 3DHP FTN GPT Advisor

    Posted 09-24-2024 12:33

    Beta GPT is Available Today:  NSGIC's Expert Advisor for State's Participating in the USGS 3DHP

    The Custom 3DHP GPT I've been developing incorporates all of the authoritative documents we have made available on NSGIC's 3DHP Information HUB Site (https://3dhp-for-the-nation-nsgic.hub.arcgis.com/  ).  This GPT uses a Large Language Model and Natural Language AI interface to help state, local government, and federal government stakeholders to efficiently query this information to help understand, plan and manage their Elevation-Derived Hydrography (EDH) efforts.

    This Custom 3DHP GPT is a beta release (sandbox) and a work in progress, so please try it out and kick the tires!  Our goal is to test and evaluate the results obtained from this Custom GPT over the next few months and eventually, if/when it's supported by Esri, we would like to directly integrate this Custom GPT into the search capability of our Esri HUB Site.

    How to Access and Benefit from This Custom GPT

    Anyone can access this Custom GPT through either a FREE or PAID OpenAI User Account.  To access this Custom GPT click here:


    To interact with this Custom GPT (ask your questions) you will have to log into an existing OpenAI account or create a new (FREE) OpenAI account.  If access to OpenAI is blocked within your organization, you can access it from your home computer.

    Resources Available in This Custom GPT

    1. Guidance on 3DHP & 3DEP Planning: Users can access critical information on how to plan 3DEP acquisitions and integrate 3DHP hydrography data with elevation data. This includes leveraging best practices from state and federal workshops, engaging stakeholders, coordinating across government entities, and publicizing efforts.
    2. Funding Strategies: This tool assists users in navigating funding opportunities, including accessing federal acquisition programs like the 3DNTM Data Collaboration Announcement (DCA). This program allows users to collaborate with USGS to acquire both high-quality 3DEP and 3DHP data.
    3. Technical Specifications & Standards: The GPT includes detailed information on data acquisition specifications for elevation-derived hydrography and lidar, helping users meet accuracy and quality control standards.
    4. Stakeholder Engagement: With a focus on outreach and collaboration, the tool helps users identify relevant stakeholders, whether within state and regional governments, federal agencies, or non-governmental organizations. Recommendations on creating working groups, managing multi-year plans, and distributing data effectively are provided​​.
    5. Integration of Data for Multiple Applications: The GPT highlights ways to integrate hydrography and elevation data for various applications, such as flood hazard mapping, water quality monitoring, and resource management.

    This GPT serves as a one-stop resource for understanding, planning, and funding 3DHP and EDH projects, ensuring data quality and collaboration across state, federal, and private entities.

    Authoritative Resource files Uploaded into this GPT:

    Here is a list of all the custom resource files currently uploaded into this GPT along with brief descriptions of each:

    1. Elevation-Derived Hydrography Acquisition Specifications 2023 (rev A2): This document provides the detailed acquisition specifications for creating hydrography data derived from elevation models, such as lidar. It ensures that data meets accuracy and quality requirements for inclusion in the 3DHP.
    2. Elevation-Derived Hydrography READ-Rules (2023 rev A3): This document contains technical guidelines and rules for preparing and managing elevation-derived hydrography data. It ensures proper alignment with USGS standards and practices.
    3. 3DNTM Call for Action Part 1 (3DHP_v6.0): A report outlining the 3D National Topography Model (3DNTM) initiative, detailing how 3DEP and 3DHP integrate to form a comprehensive 3D model for the U.S.
    4. 3DNTM Fact Sheet (v3): A fact sheet that explains the components and implementation of the 3D National Topography Model, particularly the 3D Hydrography Program and its relationship with 3DEP data.
    5. USGS - Merged Hydro Fact Sheets and Documents: A compilation of USGS fact sheets and other documents relevant to hydrography and water data, focusing on national datasets like the NHD and the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD).
    6. USGS - Lidar-Base Specification 2024 (rev A): Defines technical specifications for acquiring lidar data, setting the standard for data quality and accuracy necessary for 3DEP projects.
    7. USGS Legacy NHD Documents - Merged: A set of legacy documents related to the National Hydrography Dataset, covering historical data and methodologies for hydrographic mapping.
    8. USGS Legacy - Watershed Boundary Dataset Techniques and Methods (11-A3, Fifth Edition, 2022): A technical manual detailing the development and use of the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD), a key national dataset for hydrological modeling.
    9. USGS HRBS Report Documents – Report and Appendices A- O: All documents published as part of the Hydrography Requirements and Benefits Study (HRBS).
    10. NSGIC - Public Review Version_ 3DNTM Data Acquisition and Management State Planning Guide (9/16/2024):  This guide outlines a step-by-step approach to 3DEP and 3DHP data acquisition and management planning. It provides general guidance, a plan template, and links to relevant resources. The guide was piloted by a team of NSGIC members active in the acquisition, application, and management of state and national elevation and hydrography data.
    11. NSGIC 3DEP State Planning (Legacy) Lidar Acquisition Planning Guide (2023): This guide helps states plan lidar data acquisition projects, offering recommendations for aligning efforts with the 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) and ensuring efficient use of resources.
    12. NSGIC 3DEP FTN State 3DEP Coordination Best Practices (2020): A collection of best practices for state agencies working with 3DEP data, providing guidelines on stakeholder engagement, outreach, funding innovation, and data distribution.
    13. NSGIC Legislation - Merged Hydro Laws and Policy: A document covering the legal and policy framework surrounding hydrography data and its management in the U.S. Includes relevant legislative acts and guidelines for compliance.
    14. WA_Merged_StreamPilot_and_StrategicPlan: Documents outlining Washington State's pilot projects and strategic plans for stream data integration into the NHD and 3DHP efforts.
    15. State - Merged EDH Documents: A compilation of documents from various states related to Elevation-Derived Hydrography (EDH), focusing on best practices, acquisition standards, and state-specific implementations.
    16. NSGIC 3DHP Information Forum and Conference Presentations (Coming Soon):  Transcripts for all NSGIC monthly forum presentations and selected 3DHP presentations from NSGIC's Annual and Mid-Year Conferences.

    These resources collectively support education, planning, acquisition, implementation and best practices for states, local governments, and federal agencies. 

    Asking Your Questions:

    Your Question (Prompt) can ask a simple (short) or complex (long) question.  Once you have a response you can always ask for "more or less details" as well as ask for a list of the specific resources our Custom GPT used to answer the question.


    Please provide us with your Feedback and Questions HERE.

    Philip Worrall
    NSGIC 3DHP FTN Project Engineer
    Fishers IN