3D Hydrography (3DHP) Interest Group

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Use this interactive map to quickly access YOUR STATE's RESULTS from the USGS Hydrography Requirements and Benefits Study (HRBS)

  • 1.  Use this interactive map to quickly access YOUR STATE's RESULTS from the USGS Hydrography Requirements and Benefits Study (HRBS)

    Posted 04-22-2024 15:04

    Today's Elevation-Derived Hydrography (EDH) development efforts for the USGS 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP) are a direct result of the 2016 HRBS.

    The HRBS results include detailed surveys of all 50 states, US territories, Federal Agencies, Tribal Governments, and Non-Profit/Private/Commercial Organizations with a vested interest in the next generation of geospatial hydrography data.  The USGS HRBS was conducted by Dewberry Engineering and produced volumes of information with thousands of pages of detailed survey results.

    The information reported by the States in the 2016 HRBS reports is even more important today to help States design, fund and build statewide EDH data acquisition and maintenance plans.

    The interactive map publisher on NSGIC's 3DHP Information HUB [HERE] is a quick and easy way to access State Specific results directly from the published HRBS documents.

    Philip Worrall
    NSGIC 3DHP FTN Project Engineer
    Fishers IN