3D Hydrography (3DHP) Interest Group

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  • 1.  Share Your 3DHP Planning and Preparation Activities and Ideas

    Posted 08-10-2023 12:52

    The NSGIC '3DHP Planning and Preparation Survey' is now open.

    The survey is intended to collect information about activities that states, in coordination with their public and private sector partners, are taking, or would like to take, in preparation for implementation of the national 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP). Information from the survey will be used to develop content for the "Practical Steps for 3DHP Preparation" Workshop to be held as part of the NSGIC Annual Conference (register here - in-person participation only). The outcomes from both the survey and the workshop will be compiled into a guidance resource for the NSGIC hydrography community.

    The survey is oriented toward state participants but most questions include modifications for input from non-state stakeholders and partners.

    The NSGIC 3D Hydrography Program for the Nation (3DHP FTN) project is focused on the exchange of information about state hydrography data activities and enhancements and your insights and experiences are needed.

    Please complete the survey by Wednesday August 23, 2023.

    Contact me if you need additional information about the survey or the workshop –


    Lynda Wayne
    NSGIC Data for the Nation Project Manager
    828 254-4134

  • 2.  RE: Share Your 3DHP Planning and Preparation Activities and Ideas

    Posted 08-21-2023 15:23
    Take a coffee or kombucha break while you complete the NSGIC 3DHP Planning and Preparation Survey. Special request for participation to those that have presented during the  3DHP FTN Info Forum.

    Your input is needed to help us develop practical strategies for states to prepare for the acquisition and implementation of 3D Hydrography Program (3DHP) data. 

    Replies by Wednesday, 8.23, appreciated - 

    Lynda Wayne, GISP, ASLA
    NSGIC 3DHP for the Nation Project Manager
    828.254.4134 (O)